Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Folly out of the Pulpit

Whoa! Being a mere babe in an internet savvy world, I had no idea when I wrote my previous post "Evil in the Pulpit" of the vast amounts of confirming commentary in cyberspace regarding both Senator Barack Obama and Pastor Rick Warren. Putting a conniving politician into the same room with a Bible-believing pastor should have the same result as gunpowder coming into a contact with a spark, reminiscent of Eljah before Ahab or Herod with John the Baptist, but these further revelations instead invoke images of, well, cornflakes meeting milk. Mush.

On the Obama front, Ben Shapiro reviews Obama's book with the title The Audacity of Hope (no, this is not a biography on Bill Clinton) and clearly delineates the senator's evil views on a variety of social issues by quoting him. Obama is pretty clever, for with one sentence he can show his support of homosexuality while simultaneously denouncing the infallibility of Scripture: "I [am not] willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount." Shapiro then goes on quoting and showing how Obama should be seen as having more in common with Karl Marx than, say, Rick Warren.

However, one has to wonder. Faithful reader and friend Jeff Kessler cued me in on this WorldNetDaily article by Bob Unruh which tells of Warren's recent trip to Syria. Apparently Pastor Warren sang the praises of the freedom Christians have in this Muslim-dominated nation while he was there, much like Billy Graham did when he visited communist China. The only problem is that our own State Department disagrees. After some backlash, Unruh quotes Warren as saying, "In hindsight, I wish we'd been better prepared for our visit to Syria. We would have a handled some meetings differently, watched our words more close (sic), and been more aware of the agenda of their state press." But I'm sure after this admission he will handle Senator Obama just fine.

Is this what happens when one has a Purpose-Driven® pulpit?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Evil in the Pulpit

Often bloggers can do no better service than to point their readers to someone who has written an important article better than they can do.

With that in mind, please go to Kevin McCullough's article at entitled "Why is Obama's Evil in Rick Warren's Pulpit?" The gist is that Warren has invited Illinois Senator Barak Obama, whose public stance on marriage, abortion, and homosexuality runs contrary to the Scriptures Warren claims to belief, to speak at his Saddleback Church on World AIDS Day on December 1

Admittedly, pastors of small churches such as myself criticizing leaders of megachurches can come across like a guy sucking sour lemons. Yet McCullough's article points out how the fellowship of light and darkness undermines the faith, which is already doctrinally compromised within the megachurch movement. He is seeking to get people to call or e-mail Saddleback. Stay tuned to see if there is any response to this by the church.

All of which goes to remind us: When you start standing up for everything, you end up standing for nothing.